Thursday, April 7, 2011

Quick Rough Characters

So this was fun project we got to design characters and make a back story for them. however, I don't have time to explain them all cause finals have started and boy am I gonna be run rugged.

Monday, March 28, 2011

More Life drawing

Here is a full dearing of Gustavo the continuing model at the college. He has a great sense of humour and does a great job.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Life drawing Thingies

Well Here are some lovely bones, the skeletal versions of feet and hands.

Now some fleshy forms for of body parts I'm sure you remember.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Karaoke anyone?

They are the queens of the sea. Mysterious, beautiful, and dangerous, these wonders of the deep have been the cause of many a sea accident,. Wether it was causing men to jump overboard or causing them to crash into th rocks their melodious singing would send  man into a trancenear impossible to break. However if you cold manage to listen to he song and survive the wisdom you gain from their song would be unsurpassed!

These were the Sirens!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Kendal The Olympian

So I just finished reading the Percy Jackson and the Olympians. And I wondered how cool it'd be to be a greek god. So I drew my self as an Olympian! Take that Micheal Phelps. 

Monday, January 31, 2011

Flour sack head turn

So in clas wewhere assigned to create a head turn for a flour sack, so I immediatly thought of the veggietales show they're all pretty much the same basic shap and move the same way. Using that for reference I created this animation.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Animator's Plight

Whooo!!! Firsrt Post-ish thing. An old poem I the middle of a project

I warn ye young children of the animators Plight,
Hours drawing indoors with no sign of sunlight

You draw till your arm hurts,You fix till it's clean,
Your teachers sound angry, tryannical and Mean,

But in the end your drawings will seem
To have to power to glitter and Gleam

Then once you are done your talent seem sealed
Well...that is untill you get to the work field.